Many tenants who live in property owned by a Local Authority or Housing Association have the right to buy their home under the 1981 Housing Act. There are specific conditions relating to Right to Buy schemes, of which we will be pleased to advise, but in general terms secure tenants who have been living in their homes for a period of more than two years have the right to buy the property they are renting.
Raising a Right to Buy mortgage is usually straightforward but there are a number of options available from lenders. We cut through the confusion and prepare comparisons for you. We'll answer your questions and give you advice on which mortgage is likely to fit in with your needs and your outgoings. Once the lender has been selected, we work with them and your solicitor to make sure everything runs smoothly.
We have arranged many Right to Buy mortgages for clients and are familiar with the process involved. Contact us on 01277 222932 to discuss your situation.